viernes, 12 de marzo de 2010


Little Belle**********************click a las imagenes para ampliar
little pet
look round
to hear out
the flute

street organ
a letter
no more pets
a boy
true love
the pray


Olga was born in St Petersburg in 1961, a member of one of the most prominent families of artists. Her paternal grandfather, Professor Oreshnikov, was Rector of the Academy of Fine Arts in St Petersburg from 1953-1978. He was also one of the leading artistic figures in the city and a member of the Soviet Academy. Olga’s maternal grandfather was Roman Kotlarevsky, a renowned composer and professor of composition at the Conservatory of Music. Her parents and close relatives are all either painters, art historians or practising musicians.

Olga’s artistic talents emerged very early in her childhood and were nurtured by her family. Her early work was exhibited in the Composer’s House and in the Academy of Science when she was 10 and 12 years old. She became a student at the Academy of Fine Arts and graduated with an MA degree in Fine Arts in 1987. Her work was seen in several exhibitions in St Petersburg in the following 3 years and she started work as an illustrator of children’s books. This experience allowed her to draw upon her love of fables, legends, religious stories and folklore and combine these sources with her inner self and her work as an artist.

In 1990, Olga married and emigrated to Israel where she works under her new name Tamar Or. She works in oil, acrylic, tempera, watercolour and gouache in a unique style. Her paintings are humorous, symbolic and serious in content, meticulously executed and with a fresh and dreamlike quality.

4 comentarios:

Cayetano dijo...

Muy diferente al arte que estamos acostumbrados por estos pagos, con un toque más exótico de lo habitual, unas pinceladas con reminiscencias orientales, anunciando que Asia está próxima.
Lo que más me ha llamado la atención es el cromatismo tan acusado, esos contrastes tan llamativos.
Un saludo.

Tara dijo...

isthar, como siempre te digo "me encantan tus blogs.
Cielo debes cambiar mi enlace por
con los otros no es posible la entrada los perdi:
Un besazo

isthar dijo...

Cayetano, esta pintora me ha encantado, el estilo, la tecnica y el color, son excelentes.
Algo distinto y hermoso.
Que tengas un bello fin de semana

isthar dijo...

Querida Tara,con razon no podia entrar a tus blogs, me decia que necesitaba permiso.
Me alegra que pudieras recuperar.Estan preciosos.
Besos Isthar