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Tapisserie représentant François 1er roi de France l'hôtel de Cluny Paris musée national du Moyen age
Tapisserie Hospices Beaune 142.jpg
hospices de Beaune, Bourgogne, France. Tapisserie de Guigone de Salins, représentant Saint Éloi.


The three fates, Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos, who spin, draw out and cut the thread of Life, represent Death in this tapestry, as they triumph over the fallen body of Chastity. This is the third subject in Petrarch's poem The Triumphs. First, Love triumphs; then Love is overcome by Chastity, Chastity by Death, Death by Fame, Fame by Time and Time by Eternity.

A tapestry in the flemish style of catheirne of aragon and he rhusband arthur tudor, prince of wales.

Louis XIV
Water Festival at Bayonne. Tapestry.
335 × 394 cm. Uffizi, Florence. This is one of eight tapestries, known as the Valois Tapestries, that illustrate the festivals of the Valois court organised by Catherine de' Medici. All were based, at least partly, on designs by Antoine Caron. This one depicts festivities at the summit meeting between the French and Spanish courts at Bayonne in 1565.

Tapestry depicting a ball held by Catherine de' Medici at the Tuileries Palace, Paris, in 1573 in honour of Polish envoys visiting to present the throne of Poland to her son Henry, Duke of Anjou, the future Henry III of France. The tapestry is one of a series, known as the "Valois Tapestries", celebrating the court festivals or "magnificences" of Catherine de' Medici.

Marguerite de Valois with her brother Hercule François (right), the Valois Tapestries
Musée Nissim de Camondo, Paris, France - Chancellerie tapestry by Gobelins (circa 1680)

Adam working on the field
L'Astronomie, tapestry of French origin ?, about XVIth century, It illustrated the
Patrick Moore's book
Watchers of the stars.
Story of Semiramis. Design by Abraham van Diepenbeek, done at Michel Wauters' atelier of tapestry, Anvers (1627-1638). Capitoline Museums,


"Summer", detail from a tapestry called "The Seasons" or "Orchard," woven by Morris and Company in wool, silk, and mohair on a cotton ground at Merton Abbey in 1890, designed by William Morris and John Henry Dearle. (Details from Linda Parry,
William Morris Textiles.)

Adoration of the Magi Tapestry.png The Adoration of the Magi, tapestry, wool and silk on cotton